UWC Uganda National Committee is setting up a scholarship fund to achieve financial sustainability and significantly boost our capacity to support more outstanding students as they embark on their UWC journey. The fund shall primarily help with the following;
Selection Weekend: We invite shortlisted applicants to the selection weekend each year. While we’ve been blessed to have our friends at the International School of Uganda offer us their space at no cost in the past years, we still had to cover the costs of feeding our candidates and other supplies necessary for a successful selection process.
Air tickets; In several instances, candidates that receive scholarships can not fund their tickets. We thus go the extra mile to ensure that we buy them tickets. Historically, this has been out of pocket by National Committee or some generous alumni.
Visa Applications; We have also supported visa payments for candidates who could not afford them.
Educational Materials: Candidates are also granted scholarships and can not afford some educational materials, e.g., laptops, graphical calculators, etc. In some instances, we support the guardians to fund these.
Tuition Contribution; There are instances where the scholarship does not cover tuition or only partly. The national committee contributes towards the fees where it can and would love to do more in the future.
We are raising USD 20,000 for the UWC Uganda National Committee Scholarship Fund this year.
Give online at this link: Give Here (Card and Mobile Payments Accepted).
You can also make a donation directly to our bank (Stanbic Bank, Bugolobi Branch) using the following details:
United States Dollars USD
Account Name: United World Colleges Uganda
Account Number: 9030017596518
Thank you,
UWC Uganda National Committee.